Phil M0VEY New Toy
I just bought a secondhand Palstar AT4K ATU.. Just taken the atu out of my car and into the m0vey shack…
The first thing most of us would do is connect it up to the Transceiver and aerials in the shack… But not me..
First thing I want to do is take the cover off & see what’s going on “under the bonnet”..
Especially as the previous owner told me that it had been in storage over a year while he’d moved QTH…
Armed with this knowledge, I thought the first thing to do was give the atu an inspection & see if it wanted a service..
At first glance it looked quite tidy, but if you look close at the first 2 pics, you can see Mister Spider ??has been busy spinning a couple of webs ??..
These were soon removed with the hoover & duster combination..
All controls were checked for smooth operation & the Roller Coaster was also cleaned..
Mister Sheen shone the inside & outside of the lid & the covers were then put back on..
12v DC was connected & the lamp inside the cross needle meter lit up..
All in all a nice ATU.