The Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club uses the special call sign from Dec 1st – Dec 26th. If you hear us on the bands, please call in so we may wish everyone of the Ham community, a very

WAB Square: TA32
Locator Square: I093XQ


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A Memorable Journey to Spurn Lighthouse: HFDXARC’s Annual Lighthouses on the Air Event

Every August, the HFDXARC team embarks on its much-anticipated pilgrimage to Spurn Lighthouse for the annual Lighthouses on the Air event. This year was nothing short of spectacular, with stunning weather and tremendous support from the dedicated team at Spurn Lighthouse, making the event even more enjoyable.

The team worked like a well-oiled machine, setting up camp with precision and teamwork. They quickly assembled the tent and raised an array of antennas, including verticals for multiple bands and an inverted V. The technical setup was equally impressive, featuring a Yaesu FT-2000, a Challenger 3 amplifier, and an FT8 station expertly provided by Ed (2E0HKZ).

What followed was an exciting string of global contacts, reaching distant corners of the world such as Australia and South America. Operators took shifts throughout the day and night, ensuring non-stop action on voice modes and making the most of the opportunity.

A special shout-out goes to Kerry from Yorkshire Wildlife for her invaluable assistance. Thanks to her and the fantastic off-road Unimog, the team made it down to the lighthouse easily, adding another layer of adventure to the experience.

The rugged beauty of Spurn Point provided a breathtaking backdrop for the event, making the weekend unforgettable for everyone involved. With the rare privilege of staying at Spurn Lighthouse throughout the event, HFDXARC had a unique chance to operate radios globally while fostering camaraderie within the team. It was more than just a radio event—it became a fantastic team-building exercise.

As the event drew to a close, the team couldn’t help but reflect on the bonds strengthened, the memories made, and the sheer joy of participating in such a unique event. The cooperation from the Spurn Lighthouse crew, combined with the stunning scenery and smooth logistics, made this year’s Lighthouses on the Air one of the best to date.

With each passing year, HFDXARC continues to grow stronger, and events like this play a vital role in nurturing a shared passion for amateur radio while forming lasting friendships. The team is already looking forward to next year’s event. Until then, 73 from HFDXARC!


Enjoy the Slide Show 

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Friday Club Night Fun

Friday nights are Club Nights at the Mill Patrington home of the Humber Fortress DX radio club and this Friday it was bustling with activity.

Amidst a diverse mix of ages and skills, the club’s workshop buzzes with Andy G7LRR and Charles M7PNP diligently servicing one of the amplifiers.

Downstairs, father and son duo Sean M0SLY and Son Oliver tackle the installation of a pan adapter board on Sean’s ICOM radio, their persistence evident in their careful re-readings of the installation guide.

In the Snug, members eagerly discuss plans for the club’s upcoming “Men’s Mental Health Month” initiatives while keeping an ear out for Andy 2E1TAP’s continuous stream of contacts on the club’s radios and beam antennas.

Overall, the scene paints a vivid picture of a vibrant community where technical pursuits, familial bonds, and social initiatives coalesce seamlessly within the shared passion for radio communication at the Fortress DX club.

Enjoy Our Video from Friday   

PS look for us on the WPC Contest using M6C this bank holiday Weekend 

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