Scam Mast Maintenance or Morris Dancing Team? You Decide.

HFDXARC will be taking part in this years VHF National Field Day on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of July, so Tuesday night actually saw some of the club members leave the shack and go outside to do some routine maintenance on the equipment. This included Andy greasing his, sorry, THE pole. Steve locking and unlocking the trailer on numerous occasions while complaining about the lack of a BBQ. Kevin and Dave holding a long rope and waiting for the music to start and Bob looking for a round silver thingy with a hole in, which, when found, turned out to be none of the above.

Thankfully it all came together in the end and the field day will take place

If you get chance, please come and give us a call on 2M SSB we would love to hear from you. (I promise there will be no dancing but cant guarantee a lack of strange costumes).

Thanks to Andy G7LRR, Bob M0RWL, Steve 2E0NSQ, Kevin M0KVK, Jon 2E0ZRO, John G6LNV, Sean M6HUL and Dave M0IOK for working on the equipment to make the Field day happen, and Mr Trevor G1TDN for keeping order and stopping fights from breaking out.












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