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what else would you do on cold winter Saturday mornings

Well, what else would you do on cold winter Saturday mornings, well in true Amateur Radio Fashion, Antenna work of course?

Two of our Members Bob M0RWL and John G6LNV required long-awaited help with antenna Works.

Bob required help to install a new 3 element mini beam on his tower.

John required help to install a trapped invert L for 40/80/160 bands.

First up was for Bob M0RWL to install his New 3 Element Mini Beam

Saturday 5th of February saw Steve 2E0NSQ and Andy G7LRR turn up to Bobs M0RWL house at 9:30 am to begin helping him erect his new 3 element mini beam on his tilt-over tower.

Bob had already got his beam 99% built and ready to go. It just required a final fine-tuning which Bob and Steve got on with right away.

The tower was luffed over and the old 2 Element beam which had served Bob well for many years removed.

There was also the rotator in need of repair. This took some time as two 500ohm potentiometer in the feedback circuit was in need of replacement, one in the rotator and the other in the controller. This circuit helps to track the rotator as it rotates the beam. This task was undertaken by Andy G7LRR.

Once the rotator was working, we mounted the new beam and raised the tower again. As luck would have it, Bob and Steve had made a great job in fine-tuning the antenna and no extra was required.

Bob was impressed as the antenna tested on 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m at a low power of 5 watts, easily making contacts into Europe.

This task took the three of us nearly all day but was great fun. Many thanks to Bob and his daughter for providing the nutrition in the form of some great bacon and egg sandwiches, which kept us going throughout.


Next up was Johns G6LNV  40m 80m 160m trapped Inverted L

Saturday 12th of February at 9:00 am; it was a cold and raining day which never stopped.

Kevin M0KVK, John M0JDT, Jason M0MGF, Andy G7LRR turning up at John’s G6LNV house with the aim of sorting John’s wire antennas..

Wrapped up in warm winter clothes, they began the task of getting an inverted L in the sky for 160-40m.

John already had a 20ft support pole at the bottom of his garden and a halyard on his chimney stack; these were put to good use.

At the base of the 20ft pole, we installed a 4ft copper grounding rod into the wet soil.

Next, a counterpoise of 130ft of wire was placed down one side of the garden fence which runs more of else under where the inverted-L is to be positioned.


The base of the connection plate, which was made at the radio club a few weeks prior, was then connected to the earth.


Then it was time for the new run of RG-213 coaxial from the feed-point to the shack at the front of the property.

The trapped Inverted L that had been constructed by Andy G7LRR at the Radio club was hoisted aloft. With the Inverted-L in the air, Kevin M0KVK and Jason M0MGF checked the SWR with an antenna analyser, while John M0JDT and Andy G7LRR made adjustments to result in good readings for the said bands.

Once 40m, then 80m, and finally 160m was completed, the connections were all soldered and sealed, and the antenna hoisted high in the air and secured.

Now complete, It is all for John to rebuild his shack and to re-connect up his radio, then we can all hear how well it is working.
Although it was a cold and damp day, with the team effort we succeeded in getting Johns Inverted-L up

Well done to all that helped our members in need.

It was great getting back out and helping those in need after all the Covid-19 lockdown periods and to see the club working as a team.








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GB0EY East Yorkshire

With Covid, lock-down lifted the Club came up with an event to get going at short notice. Yorkshire day 1st August Celebrate all things Yorkshire when the UK’s largest county comes together to indulge in vast quantities of regional pride.

An NOV has gained GB0EY the call setup, with the table set and the event can begin, we were lucky that we have nice big bays on each station setup with screens in-between ideal for social distancing

Kevin M0KVK and Marcin M0GLV kicked off the Event.

kevin M0KVK in the seat

Kevin M0KVK in the 20m 15m 10m chair

Marcin M0GLV
Marcin M0GLV takes over later from Kevin.

Phil M0VEY showing all of us how to operate his Icom 7300 which he brought for the weekend on the 160m and 40m Station position.

Phil also doubles up as the catering manager for the Weekend with hotdogs and burgers being all the rage.

Band conditions were very favorable, enabling us to work station in Japan, USA day and night as well as Europe at the same time.

All in all our first event back after lockdown and Covid19 has gone very good, working lots of DX and with what looks like this year being very good for sunspots the bands are very good.

Places we worked over the weekend with 437 contacts been made.

Big thank you to all members that came along and supported the event.

Watch out for our next event GB2SL lighthouses on the air coming from Spurn point on 21st to 22nd August 2021. 

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VHF Field Day 2013

Vhf field day starts off with great weather sun shining and 26 deg’s and everyone starts to turn up for the weekend camp over pitching tent and caravans.

Saturday morning starts off with getting our portable shack in place and masts setup for 2 pm saturday kick off.

The 12 element Yagi for 2m is set to 10m height and guyed down all ready to go, John M0JBA set up camp and puts together his 70cm station with a home-made 7 element Yagi and 5 watts QRP which he operates from his tent into the wee small hours.

The contest kicks off and we soon find out the Yagi on 2m is working better than we thought it would with great results, contacts as far as spain are made over the 24 hours with just 100 watts.

In true Humber Fortress DX Sytle Saturday saw our normal event fish and chips supper which was enjoyed by all, the weekend before had seen a small party for an antenna install day at one of your members Jo 2E0JJO and Chris’s 2E0CWB QTH,

Whom put on a great BBQ and that was followed by a nice profiterole gateau,but one of our team Steve 2E0NSQ thought his serving was too small, it so happened Jo heard about this little moan of Steve’s, and on Sunday presented Steve with his own full profiterole gateau, the Greedy Cheap never shared it.

We are only kidding Steve..

A big thank you to all that supported the event.

Please enjoy a short slide show of the weekend


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Congratulations in order once again

Congratulations are in order once again to the intermediate class on all passing their exams.




Mr Kevin Simms (M6EYR now 2E0KVK) , father and son teamwork from Pat Walsh (M6BPW now 2E0KCW), Steve Walsh (M6OKB now 2E0OKP)

Well done Guys from all at the Club, we all know that Team Walsh had a few beers to celebrate later that night.

Mr Kevin Simms (AKA Bear Grylls ) had to rush off to his son’s 21st birthday held at a private fishing lake, Kevin was also partaking in a night fishing with his sons, Kevin was keen to show his sons he was no coward to camping out overnight, and in true Bear Grylls style, he set up his camp.

We are told that a fire was lit and BBQ could be smelt miles away as Kevin lead the way for a night’s fishing. Much beer had to be consumed by all but mainly by Kevin for him to fall into his survival bag and shiny tent.

In the night Kevin did not catch much fish, but had many a visit from the local wildlife which made a night under the star all worthwhile NOT.

Kevin, you’re a Sport and we all know your Sons enjoyed the night along with you.



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