Tag Archives: 10m

Burns Supper with a difference

Every Burns Supper has its own special form and flavour, though there are probably more similarities than differences among these gastro-literary affairs. Individual tastes and talents will determine the character of your Burns Supper. Some celebrants may contribute the composition of original songs or poems; some may excel at giving toasts or reciting verse; while others may be captivating storytellers. A particular group of celebrants will, over time, develop a unique group character which will distinguish their own skills in the form of erecting aerials while drinking whisky and to make it very stealth.

We started off on a whim, without any notion of traditional form, other than the idea that we would get Kevin 2E0KVK on the 160m Band before we drink whisky (not necessarily in that order).

With a little bit of planning anyone and every thing(well, almost anyone) was in place to erect Kevin’s Aerial and have a Burns Night celebration to boot. All that’s needed is a place to gather (gracious host Mr Kevin 2E0KVK), plenty of haggis and neeps to go around (splendid chefs Valerie M6OGK and Kevin 2E0KVK), the master of ceremonies (foolhardy once again Kevin mine host), friendly celebrants (you and your drouthy cronies), and good Scotch drink to keep you warm (105 rings a bell). With these ingredients, at least a few celebrants will be able to make prattling fools of themselves, trying to do justice to the words and spirit of Robert Burns.

And if everyone brings along a wee dram then each, in turn, may become an object of mirth and amusement to the gathered throng.

Be prepared to enjoy yourself beyond all expectation. With good cheer and gay company we all may, in short, be able to ring in the Bard’s birthday fou rarely.
I’ve found that most people, although they may be unaware of it, love to attend Burns Suppers as we all did at Kevin’s.

With casting lines over tall trees and placing matching units at the base of an inverted L to elevating radials this was all done on the cold rainy day of Burns Super.

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GB2TCL get off to a good start

Kevin 2E0KVK

Friday night saw the start of our annual Lighthouse weekend activation for ILLW. Kevin 2E0KVK (AKA) Bear Grylls got into action and worked a large pile up on 20m from the USA and Caribbean Islands well into the wee hours of the night.

The club members, as always, will be camping over the full weekend so the radio should be manned most of the time. We expect 40m and 20m to be very busy throughout Saturday.

Please look out for us on the bands over the weekend.


Steve cheeky bones 2E0NSQ and Bob Smiler M0RWL set the dress code for the weekend  as the happy glampers – joined at the hip and set to storm the airways.

Please listen out for them, for we are sure you will want to comment on this comedy duo.


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Summer Maintenance

Well  summer is upon us at last, so the members of HFDXARC  got the outdoor repairs and servicing done.

We hope you enjoy this little write-up and pictures which speak for themselves.



First up is to service our HY-Gain TH3 which is over 35 years old now and still in great shape.



We check each year all the stainless steel nuts and bolts and re grease them.

Check over the traps and retune the beam as required , this year saw work been done on the shotgun match and balun connections.


who`s doing what


Wail the tower was hoisted over for removal of the beam, we had time to do some much-needed welding on the yard-arm to give it extra support for heavier wire aerials , Kevin 2E0KVK along with Steve 2E0NSQ, made easy work of this job, Kevin had not welded for over 20 years, but he was like duck to water once again with that old stick welder.

Slide Show

Slide Show


With all the antenna and tower work underway,it was time once again to look at the roof on the radio club, it had sprung a leak over the winter.

It was soon found that water had stood on part of the roof and had leak in. We had to fill a hollow and some cracks on the concrete slab, so a cement slurry mix for roofs was laid, then left all day and over night to dry, the following  morning it was time to seal the roof again with cromapol roof sealer, after  two good coats  roof was compete, we hope this repair will last a good few years as it say so on the tin.

Slideshow below

With all the servicing and repairs now done it’s time for a well-earned BBQ and a few beers




Andy G7LRR

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VHF Field Day 2013

Vhf field day starts off with great weather sun shining and 26 deg’s and everyone starts to turn up for the weekend camp over pitching tent and caravans.

Saturday morning starts off with getting our portable shack in place and masts setup for 2 pm saturday kick off.

The 12 element Yagi for 2m is set to 10m height and guyed down all ready to go, John M0JBA set up camp and puts together his 70cm station with a home-made 7 element Yagi and 5 watts QRP which he operates from his tent into the wee small hours.

The contest kicks off and we soon find out the Yagi on 2m is working better than we thought it would with great results, contacts as far as spain are made over the 24 hours with just 100 watts.

In true Humber Fortress DX Sytle Saturday saw our normal event fish and chips supper which was enjoyed by all, the weekend before had seen a small party for an antenna install day at one of your members Jo 2E0JJO and Chris’s 2E0CWB QTH,

Whom put on a great BBQ and that was followed by a nice profiterole gateau,but one of our team Steve 2E0NSQ thought his serving was too small, it so happened Jo heard about this little moan of Steve’s, and on Sunday presented Steve with his own full profiterole gateau, the Greedy Cheap never shared it.

We are only kidding Steve..

A big thank you to all that supported the event.

Please enjoy a short slide show of the weekend


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