Isle of Muck Dxpedition GB0SIM
The Isle of Muck is part of the Scottish Small Islands group along with Rhum, Eigg and Canna called the Inner Hebrides situated off the West Coast of Scotland and has a population of around 38 only.
Two of our Club members are taking part in the Isle of Muck Dxpedition starting 15th April for around 7 days. The planning for this Dxpedition has been maticulous, as the Island has no facilities for the team to buy anything, including food. Everything they need has to be taken with them on the journey, including all the ham gear.
The team is made up from Marcin-M0GLV, Kevin-M0KVK(m), Lyns-G0AZE, Nick-G0VQO, Steve-2E0NSQ, Steve-M0EBJ(m).
- Kevin M0KVK
- Lyns G0AZE
- Marcin M0GLV
- Nick G0VQO
- Steve 2E0NSQ
- Steve M0EBJ
They plan operating on SSB, CW, and Digital FT8 throughout the week and will be using a whole different range of antenna for this including 40m phased verticals, dipoles for all bands and a vertical for 10m. They hope to work as many stations globally as possible whilst also introducing the hobby to the Islands children from a local school, and giving an incite into alternative communications for them.
Please listen out for the team from April 15th, and help support them by calling into them on every band and mode possible. Dont forget this is a seriously collectable call sign for any ham operator as there are no hams currently on the Island of Muck.
You can find all the information relating to the Dxpedition through GB0SIM QRZ or FaceBook page FaceBook Page
More information regarding the Island can be found here The Isle of Muck
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