GB0BB a great start to the eventing year



On Friday afternoon 27th of March saw members of the Humber Fortress DX A.R.C Steve 2E0NSQ and Andy G7LRR kick off the GB0BB Event, This is the first club event of the year and the 10th anniversary of the Blackburn Beverley XB259 being located Fort Paull and seemed a good one to start the year off with.

Steve got underway on 40m with his great operating style and sense of humour that so many love, within minutes he had a great pile up and was away for 4 hours solid  “we did bring him the odd cuppa to keep him going”.

Andy in the meantime was busy setting all PC,s and login system up, now all configured for the night time shift to get underway, we had PSK going CW, SSB from 160m to 2m band.

After tea other members of the club started to turn up Kevin 2E0KVK, Dave G4ASA , Jon M6HDX, Our new member Phil (aka Doc) along with John B M0JBA.

At midnight the CQWPX WW contest fired up and keeping a frequency was hard but the group carried on through the night on SSB then QSY’ed to PSK and CW.

This was a good move as good DX was worked throughout the night on both modes.

We worked a rotor system which seemed to work well Dave G4ASA worked hard all night on CW, while a few more of us relaxed on PSK31.

Saturday morning  saw a fresh bunch of operators turn up, Bob M0RWL John G6LNV and Mike G4VHM a guest operator and good CW op.

The night crew went home for some well earned sleep, Andy G7LRR returned later that day and stayed until 7pm with the day crew, it was decided with the contest being on we would not do the night shift on the Saturday but instead return at 9am for the Sunday.

Sunday morning saw Syd M1COV and Mike G4PYW along with hot sausage rolls (Cheers Mike) Bob M0RWL and Andy  G7LRR also turned up, 40m and 20m were the best bands to work and many called into the Station, the afternoon saw Andy M0TTL and Marcin M0GLV / SP4BHD turn up and have a good few contacts.

We had a nice suprize with Roman M0GOY / OK1KK and his family from he Czech Republic

walked into the radio shack on sunday

Roman had been a very active member in the making of the Club and our first mobile trailer back in 2010 before he went home to the Czech Republic so it was nice to see him again.

roman (2)

All in all the weekend went well and we are still able to operate until the 4th April so listen out.

we must also thank Trevor G1TDN as he works very had in the back ground doing all the QSL Cards for the Club and the Events

If you would like to see if your in the log this year please check this link out below.

online logbook

meet the Ops of the event GB0BB

Guest operator Mike G4VHM on CW

Mike G4VHM

Mike G4VHM

Club member can be seen on the link below

Meet the members

If you worked the event GB0BB then please sign our Guest book let us know how you found it

Guestbook Sign

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