Thinking Day On The Air

The Humber Fortress DX ARC will be taking part this year at Raywell Park in Thinking Day On The Air, with the East Yorkshire Girlguilding groups this will be held on the 3rd full weekend in February 22nd 2015

Please come and support us by calling us on the air

The Call sign on the day will be MX0HFC/P

Please look for us on the Cluster


TDOTA is an opportunity for the members of Girlguiding from the youngest Rainbow to the oldest  Guild member to talk to other members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world via Amateur Radio provided by Humber Fortress DX ARC.

The 22nd February is Thinking Day because it was the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scout and Guide movements, and his wife Olave, who was the first World Chief Guide.


On this day each year members of East Yorkshire (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) remember the founders of the movement and take part in various activities to think about their sisters throughout the world.

Suggested Frequencies

This is a list of SUGGESTED frequencies for making contacts on TDOTA or JOTA.

They are not exclusive to Guides and Scouts, but may help find contacts between special event stations.

You can look for stations either side of these or pick a close frequency to put out a CQ call.



80 3.690; 3.740 3.733; 3.788; 3.888
40 7.090; 7.190 7.033
20 14.290 14.133; 14.288; 14.333
17 18.140
15 21.360 21.288; 21.333; 21.388;21.433
12 24.910
10 28.990 28.488; 28.588; 28.688; 28.788; 28.888; 28.988
6 50.160


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