Welwick Heritage Weekend. (2014)

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Well it’s the time of year when everyone starts mentioning Hull Fair weather rain and wind, not for the Humber Fortress DX ARC it means Welwick Weekend.

This year however we were blessed with two sunny days, despite a foggy start to the Sunday.

It all started on the Friday with Andy (G7LRR) and Linda (M6LGN) arriving first Syd (M1COV) already being there, closely followed by Charlie (2E0CIK) and Kevin (2E0KVK). Andy (G7LRR) kindly towed the shack in the form of Charlie’s (2E0CIK) caravan to the site, the aerial was erected with even ladders was invoked.

A quick trip back to the Fort Paull and the club, to collect the Radio and we were in business.

Friday evening and we headed for dinner at the Patrington Country Club with Syd and (M1COV) and his wife Ann. Andy (G7LRR) tackled the mixed grill which was enormous and did beat him. Pat (2EOKCW), who with precision timing arrived to help us eat dinner followed by a trip back to the village hall to sample some real ale.

The next morning saw the event in full swing, the field auction was attended and the club purchased a new stove thanks to Peter (M1DCE) for bidding on our behalf, so we now have for the club house a new pot belly stove for a very reasonable price.

Kevin (2E0KVK) started the radio operating followed by various operators through the day. Contacts were minimal due to other distractions, we were visited through the day by John (M0JBA) and Pete Rodmell (G3ZRS) and Andy . Other members attended but due to the new stealth caravan technology did not find us.

The evening saw attendance of the dance in the village hall with Syd, Charlie, Pat, Andy, Linda, Kevin,Geoff and Valerie (M6OGK) flying the flag. Not to mention sampling the Ale, Andy (G7LRR) was successful in the auction with some sweet but expensive chocolates (a tub of Roses other chocolates are available).

Sunday saw us up with the Larks thank to Andy knocking every one up @ 7am then with Andy (G7LRR) having to pick his way through the dense fog to get us to the Hornsea Rally.

The stall was a success but that is another story to be told.

All that remained was a return journey to back Welwick to strike camp.

All in all a very sociable weekend scattered with a bit of radio.

Thanks to Syd (M1COV) as always for organising this event and smoothing the way for us.

Write-up by

Charlie 2E0CIK

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