Tag Archives: Welwick Heritage Weekend
Cold Nights and Going Green M0KVK Style
Well, last weekend saw Kevin M0KVK testing out the new Club winter uniform, this was suggested by Jason M0MGF the club’s treasure, As he informed the membership of rising costs running the 3KW heaters all the time, and suggested warmer clothes.
Kevin set the standard with his list below
Thermal Hat, Gloves, and Scarf
and fleece lined Slippers of course to keep your feet warm
and for really cold DX nights a hot water bottle is a must.
Now Kevin found operating the Radio a little hard with the Big Gloves on, he has asked for a bigger VFO knob to be fitted on all radios as this could be the way forward he thinks.
The biggest problem was when operating the keyboard four keys would be pressed at once, this resulting in some funny callsign being entered into the logbook, Kevin has asked if we can look into the bigger keyboards with bigger keys on them.
Kevin feels the first run out was a success and looks forwarded to other Members coming forwarded with more warm Ideas.
I think I will just stick to the 3KW Heaters :).
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This year we had a plan and it worked!!!
The idea was simple to give everybody who wanted to attend the weekend a responsibility.
The trailer was taken out of storage for the second time this year and delivered by Andy G7LRR to the field.
Andy M0TTL and Sean M0SLY started setting up the scam mast while Andy G7LRR and TAFFY M6XPW Started on the radios and laptop.
The station was set up in record time giving us time to make some alterations to the antenna and rotator, we even managed to get a big breakfast in the bar cooked by carol to just set you up right before the contest started.
John M0JBA joined us in the cafe after he had set up his QRP station on 70cms.
The hooter sounded and we were off Andy G7LRR making the first contacts, swiftly passing the mike on to the other members to take part in the fun.
Contacts were made and logged throughout the day. Some members even turning up on the day with their family to show off the station and setup.
Time passed away all too quickly, Graham M6IHT did the chip shop run and we all sat down for a well-earned break and a chat about the bands. Contacts made into the early evening slowed down so it was decided to have an early night, the station was shut down for the night.
Andy G7LRR and Mike G7TYT had returned to the Clubs workshop to repair Mikes Ft-1000mp, this was found to be just a small dry joint, and was up and running in no time.
Sunday started early with Sean M0SLY working stations into Europe although he did not claim the furthest distance contact, as that belonged to Taffy M6XPW Working a whopping 891 km well done to him.
Many operators turned up to work the radios on the Sunday in fact we had chairs outside the mobile shack with people waiting to take their turn Linda M6LGN been one of them (we have a photo as evidence Andy you owe me £10). All to soon the event was over and we all started to strip down the station working as a team, proof been the last man left the field to go home 42 mins after the last contact. Fantastic, well done to everyone MASSIVE club effort.
Thank you to all club members this turned out to be a great short notice event.
Andy G7LRR, Sean M0SLY, Andy M0TTL, Taffy M6XPW, John M0JBA, Jon 2E0ZRO, Patrick M1CBC, Jase M0MGF, Graham M6IHT, Mike G7TYT
Best contact made
By Taffy M6XPW : 891 km JN48EQ
QSO : 63
Countries : 9
Points : 20200
Sean M0SLY.
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The first Foundation course Exam for HF, DX, ARC was taken today
The first Foundation course Exam for HF, DX, ARC was taken today by on the Left Mr. Frank Clifton and on Right Mr. Kevin Johnson.
The Humber Fortress DX ARC is pleased to say both passed with flying colors.
We know both are very happy with the result and the training they received from Humber Fortress DX ARC Instructors,
The lead instructor Mr. John Cunliffe (G6LNV), Mr. Bob Lane (M0RWL), Mr John Baines (M0JBA) the Clubs invigilator, and from the East Yorkshire repeater Group Mr. Andy Russell (G0VRM).
As the chairman of the club and on behalf of the entire membership we would like to welcome Kevin and Frank to Amateur Radio.
We hope you go on to sit the Intermediate license and then Advanced Licence as the club runs the courses enjoy the hobby guys.
Thank you to lead instructor Mr. John Cunliffe (G6LNV), Mr. Bob Lane (M0RWL), Mr. John Baines (M0JBA), and from the East Yorkshire repeater Group Mr. Andy Russell (G0VRM)
For their time and effort, they put into the club and gave up their own time to run the course.
Left to Right
Andy Russell (G0VRM), Kevin Johnson, John Cunliffe (G6LNV), Bob Lane (M0RWL), John Baines (M0JBA), Frank Clifton
All the best
Andy Nielsen
Chairman OF Humber Fortress DX A.R.C
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