Tag Archives: rnli


Hi guys…..

What a great weekend was had by those that attended the GB2HLS station on spurn point.
Around 600 stations were worked together and the majority were in the u.k and British Isles this is what it was all about, putting the R.N.L.I into the public eye and be part of the 200yrs celebration of the Humber lifeboat.
Amazingly we had around 3,500 hits on qrz.com!!!that’s an enormous amount of visits to achieve in a short time….thanks to Andy (G7LRR) for doing a smashing job on the qrz.com page, it certainly had plenty of information!!!!.
We also had around 250 hits on the M0HFC site on qrz.com so that’s good as well.

We had Radio Interview on Radio Humberside with Helen Philpot (The Philpot Files)

GB2HLS on Radio Humberside

 We certainly left the Humber lifeboat station on a ‘high’ as to say, and are pleased to announce that we have been invited back next year to do a similar event but with more of a fundraising appeal if anyone would like to try and get some sort of sponsorship through there works or business this would be great!!!.

Facilities were provided by the R.N.L.I station (shower, toilets, kitchen, sleeping accommodation) and a fantastic visit on to the lifeboat where we were shown around by different members of the crew explaining the different types of equipment available….thanks to them!!!.

Also, a thank you to Karen (Dave Steenvordens wife) for the interview-type conversation I had with her regarding their lifestyles and everyday life as a WAG!!! (lifeboat man’s wife!!!) and to all the rest of the wives for putting up with our invasion of the station.

This was a great event to be part of and I hope we have many more with these guys down there and for those who could not attend….book your days off in advance for next year!!!!

Again many thanks to all who attended if only for a day …..well done!!…..



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