GB0FP gets underway
The Humber Fortress events team gets underway for International Museums weekend with the call sign GB0FP.
Friday saw Sean M0SLY and Andy G7LRR turned up early at Fort Paull to start setting up the antenna farm, this starts with putting up 2 x 15m Scam masts spaced around 50m apart.
Once the mast was in place, Paul M6XPW turned up with Kevin M0KVK, to help but the wire aerials’ up this year we have gone for a 20m delta loop, 40m ¼ wave vertical , 40m delta loop.
Once the aerials are setup the Mobile shack was put in place and the radio setup,
This year we went for just one station, outside and we have the main station inside the Club house,.
The fun started at around 5pm with inter G contacts been made on 40m , when switching to 20m the DX and fun started.
Satarday morning see the guys getting ready for the rest of the weekend.
Here are few pics of what is going on so far.
And here is Video done kindly be one of the Members